Dr. Joshua Hersh NMD, (Naturopathic Medical Doctor), received his Naturopathic Medical Degree from Bastyr University. He has received Post Doctoral training in IV Therapies, Integrative Oncology, Chronic Infections, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, Lyme Disease, Neurodegenerative Conditions, Cognitive Decline, Gastrointestinal Health, SIBO, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Migraines, Mental Health, Mold Toxicity, Heavy Metals Detoxification, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Parkinson’s Disease, Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Therapy, Stress Reduction, Vitamin & Nutrients Deficiencies, and more. With a wealth of knowledge, he educates and empowers his patients. He thoroughly researches safe and effective therapies for his patients and his recommendations are based on sound scientific research and clinical experience. His main focus and goal, as your doctor, is seeing his patient, heal and live an abundant life!